Birth and Early Parenting Education
6:00 AM06:00

Birth and Early Parenting Education

32-40 weeks

Topics you may like to discuss include: What is labour, normal birth, medically assisted birth? When do I go to hospital? What can I do to cope with the pain of labour? What drugs are available? How can my partner help? How can I prepare myself? What will my recovery be like? How do I care for a newborn? Are there any techniques I can use to prepare myself for a natural birth?

Cost: $110/hour in Coogee or $130/hour at your place.

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Early Pregnancy Education
1:00 PM13:00

Early Pregnancy Education

12-28 weeks

Learn about the best way to prepare for your birth and baby. Topics you may like to discuss include: Where is the the best place for me to give birth? What exercise is recommended? How do I prepare my pelvic floor? How do I look after my back and pelvis? How do I perform useful and easy relaxation techniques? What should I read and eat? How can my partner be involved?

Cost: $110/hour in Coogee or $130/hour at your place.

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Mums & Bubs Yoga
8:30 AM08:30

Mums & Bubs Yoga

Mums & Bubs Yoga will support your heath and well-being on many different levels as a new mum.

It provides a great opportunity to connect with yourself and your new baby. It also provides a great opportunity to meet and connect with other new mums, whilst improving your fitness and gently rebuilding your strength. There is no expectation for your baby to behave in a certain way and you will be welcome to join the class after it has started if you're running late. You are welcome to stop to breast feed or change a nappy when required. All you need to do is wear comfortable clothes, and bring yourself and your baby - everything else is provided.

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9:00 AM09:00

Birth Skills Couple's Workshop - Privately Taught Session of 4hrs

26-30 weeks onwards

It's best to allow plenty of time before you are due for home practise of the techniques you will be taught:

Breathing Techniques - Active Birthing Techniques - Yoga and Movement - Acupressure - Massage for Labour - Perineal Preparation and Protection - Positions for Birth - Partner Support - Relaxation - Self Hypnosis - Herbal and Nutrition Support - Natural Recovery and Breastfeeding Tonics

This is a practical workshop that is designed to teach you and your partner (and/or birth support people) how they can help and support you to have the birth that is right for you, and how to be involved all the way through if that's what you would like.

Understanding your anatomy and physiology - how your body and the amazing hormones of birth are designed to work - will help give you more confidence in yourself and your ability to birth your baby naturally if that is what you are aiming for.

Increasing your knowledge and understanding of birth and knowing how to prepare and set things up beforehand will enable you to then trust your body and your intrinsic wisdom when the time comes so you can feel comfortable about allowing the process of birth to unfold.

Practicing skills and techniques with your partner/support people allows you to build confidence around how you wish to bring your baby into the world.

Taking this workshop on a private basis will give you and your partner/support people the best opportunity to learn all of the skills taught in the regular open workshop in a lot less time - in just one to two sessions - at a time and place that best suit you. The workshop can also be tailored to focus especially on what you want to know and what you want to learn and practise, you will have individual attention to your needs and have the opportunity to have your questions answered. The benefit is that you are not restricted to the constraints of learning within a group environment and can take the workshop at a time and location that suit you - even in your own home if you prefer. This workshop is designed to compliment the hospital antenatal and yoga classes.

Cost: $395/per couple for the complete workshop taught privately in Coogee, or $520/couple at your place. One extra support person may join at no additional cost. Price is inclusive of 100 page Course Booklet, Hypnobirthing Audios and Hypnobirthing Workbook for home study.

If you wish to create your own workshop: $110/hour in Coogee - $130/hour at your place. Please contact Anya on 0414 622 289 to discuss what you would like to include and to arrange your booking.

Feedback from this workshop: "Dearest Anya, thank you so much for all of the wisdom and support you imparted upon us - ensuring the safe delivery of little Alexander. You are truly an amazing soul who watches over the wellbeing of so many mothers and babies. You truly are a blessing from the universe and we are so lucky to have found you. Your workshop was absolutely the best and the only thing we needed to do. We are all looking forward to catching up soon." Maria Salazar

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Pre-natal Yoga
8:30 AM08:30

Pre-natal Yoga

Pre-natal Yoga will support your health and well-being on many different levels throughout your pregnancy and is an excellent way to nourish yourself and your growing baby. Yoga is an ideal preparatory exercise whilst pregnant, combining the building of strength with the opportunity to relax and let go. During classes you will have the opportunity to practise useful skills for birthing such as active birthing movements, breathing techniques, vocal toning, partner support, visualisation, massage and relaxation.

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