Anya's yoga classes for Pregnancy

“I have absolutely loved going to Anya's yoga classes throughout my pregnancy. She creates a sanctuary for relaxation with beautiful music and lighting whilst the yoga poses are perfectly tailored to pregnancy so you really feel that both your body and your baby are benefiting from the class. Anya is naturally nurturing and extremely knowledgeable about pregnancy. She incorporates useful tips for labor into the classes such as poses/movements to get the baby into the optimal position for birth and also acupressure points for relaxation and pain relief. It's also lovely that you can take your support person/s to class so they learn how to assist a laboring mother and also enjoy bonding time with your baby. Classes always end with a blissful partner massage - another special time to connect with your baby. Anya's focus on breathing, vocalization, and relaxation techniques have made her classes essential preparation for my labor and I would highly recommend them to every pregnant lady. I can't wait for the mums and bubs classes! We've all enjoyed and benefited from the classes so much so thank you!” - Victoria Mackinlay

Anya's prenatal partner yoga classes

“I attended Anya's prenatal partner yoga classes with my husband Mark at 35 weeks on a recommendation from a friend. Although we only managed to fit in a couple of sessions before our little boy Zack arrived (he made his appearance nine days early) we both learned valuable techniques from the classes, which gave us greater confidence in preparation for the birth. In a comfortable, relaxing environment (think soft lighting, soothing music and cushy pillows) Anya covers everything from useful positions to try during labour to breathing techniques and partner massage (a particular highlight!), with 10 minutes of meditation to end the class. There's certainly more to these Yoga sessions than downward dog moves and sun salutations! They gave Mark and I the opportunity to really unwind after a busy day and connect with each other - and our baby - with none of the usual interruptions and distractions you have at home. I'd advise any couple to try the classes and to start as early as you can to make the most of the relaxation time and Anya's expertise. Now that my little Zack is here I am looking forward to starting mums and bubs yoga with Anya soon.” - Amanda Hemmings

yoga for every woman

"I truly recommend this yoga for every woman who is expecting...and their partner. Anya, our yoga teacher, is kind, gentle and she doesn't push you if you are feeling tired or uncomfortable - she always encourages you to rest when you feel. A friend recommended Anya's classes to me, she said found them really beneficial. I had never done yoga before however, I decided to give it a go. I went to the Monday night women's when I was 18 weeks pregnant and thoroughly enjoyed it. When I heard that there was a Couples Yoga class on Wednesday nights I suggested it to my partner whose response was "I hate yoga!". Anyway, we agreed that he'd try it once and then that if he didn't like it I would just go on my own. The next week I booked us both in. He loved it so much that and we have been going every week since that first class and now I am 38 weeks...and we still go. He loves it so much he reminds me on a Tuesday evening that we have yoga the following night. It really helps with learning to breathe properly and right down to your baby, relaxation, and we both love the massage towards the end of class where you learn pressure points for relaxing. After that, there is a lovely relaxing guided meditation....which helps you to sleep really well. My tip is for partners to least go once to see if they it, I am sure they will and it really supports you with labor and birth. Thank you once again Anya you are truly an amazing yoga teacher. Peace with you all.” - Zoe & Mark Harvey

pregnancy yoga class with Anya

“From early on in my pregnancy I wanted to hone in on the mantra of being calm, relaxed and physically fit for the labour, calm mama = calm baby. It was in the waiting room at The Royal Hospital for Women that I spotted the Karmamama card. ‘Karmamama’ said it all and I enrolled for my first pregnancy yoga class with Anya at 15 weeks pregnant (where I had major bump envy!) and continued all the way until my due date. Anya's delivery of the classes is just perfect - the right amount of talk, the right ambiance, music that is so soothing it takes you to another world, and for me the importance of learning vocal toning and focusing on the breath was invaluable. For my birth plan - the one you need, yet everyone likes to tell you won't go to plan - I wanted to give a natural birth "my best go" therefore, I only wanted to do a birth class that gave me the encouragement and tools I would need to achieve this and I didn't want to learn (in depth) about medicated pain management. I believe your thoughts create your world, so why would you take the road to understand the medical stuff if that's not where you want to take yourself? I called up Anya to discuss her birthing class. I loved Anya's persona and the energy she brings to a yoga class and I felt she was the right person to learn further from. This again, was the best call I was going to make for my labour experience. My husband and I did a 1:1 birthing class with Anya over 2 sessions. Again the delivery of the information needed was just perfect, Anya introduced new content I'd not heard of before yet which made complete sense, and created a relaxed environment and my husband and I were fast becoming more comfortable with the experience we were about to have. Anya also made several suggestions during the course about diet, the benefits of acupuncture and the added support of having a doula during labour. I took all of these on board - as I was up for anything that was going to help our baby come out easier and faster! Doula shopping can be overwhelming but Anya put me in touch with a few people and soon we found 'our' doula and what a blessing she turned out to be! Being well prepared, but in a manner that felt like I hadn't planned to an inch within my own sanity, by attending Anya's yoga classes and birthing classes, having acupuncture sessions from 36 weeks, attending pilates classes, eliminating sugar and gluten from my diet and getting to know our doula in the weeks leading up to our due date, our baby boy was born 1 day after his due date in a labour that lasted less than 12 hours, all natural and without any interventions. Birth plans CAN happen as you wish. Karmamama's Anya is a blessing - you are very lucky to have found her.” - Teola Wittorf Le-Coq

pregnancy yoga class with Anya

“I started prenatal yoga with Anya in my second trimester on a recommendation from a friend. By my third trimester I was going on a regular basis and had brought my husband along to learn, experience and practice the techniques we could do together on the big day. On the day of Kaliyan’s birth my morning started like any other with a small stomach ache developing come lunch time. The heavy contractions started at around 6pm and I went into my bedroom to start controlling my breathing, spiralling and moving between a few cow, cat and child poses that I had learned in yoga. My husband had put on some relaxing background music and applied heat packs to my lower back. We arrived at the hospital at 7.30pm and continued the spiralling and husband applied some pressure point techniques and shoulder and lower back massage to help with the contractions as they got stronger. As I moved into the bath I felt that the controlled breathing with my husband as my guide really helped. We began to use the vocal toning techniques we learnt with Anya to release more tension and help me get through the contractions. All this along with the spiralling helped me feel in control and empowered enough to not even consider any kind of pain relief during my labour. I can not thank Anya enough for passing on the tools and techniques that blessed us with a natural birth, and blessed my husband and I with the arrival of our daughter Kaliyan at 1am the following morning.” - Malis Palovic

practicing yoga with Anya- Helen Taylor

“I began practicing yoga with Anya when pregnant with my first child. I was lucky enough to go on to have the intervention-free, water birth that I had hoped for and believe that yoga helped. When practicing yoga weekly for the months leading up to labour and birth, I don't think I realised just how many of the relaxation, stretching and breathing techniques I would implement on 'the big day' to help with pain relief. I also believe that practicing yoga regularly helped to get my baby in the optimum position for birth.For these reasons, I was keen to return to see Anya once I became pregnant again. My uncomplicated first birth has given me confidence in my baby and my body to know we can do this again and has taken any anticipation or anxiety away. I'm not sure how my story would have been without yoga, but even if it's just for relaxation and a chance at some Mummy-to-be 'me time' before bubba arrives, I'd highly recommend Karma Mamma.” - Helen Taylor

Yoga Classes for Pregnancy

“Supporting my wife Maria whilst she was giving birth to our baby daughter was the most intense experience of my life! I'm really grateful that I attended Anya's classes as the 'support person' because it empowered me to participate in the birth of our baby from beginning to end. I learned how to massage my partner to keep her relaxed during labour, guide her breathing to help her through contractions, and remind her of different movements that would help our baby descend. Guys, it's one of the best things you can do to support your partners.” - Eddy Chan

Anya's pregnancy yoga classes Hannah+Young.jpg

“I attended Anya's pregnancy yoga classes from 13 weeks and found them extremely beneficial. They helped me stay fit, supple and relaxed throughout my pregnancy. As well as the physical benefits (I experienced no back pain at all!), I enjoyed taking the time each week to bond with my baby and prepare for birth. Anya was excellent at explaining postures, movements and breathing techniques to us. When the time came I felt prepared, strong, calm and ready to welcome my baby.”
-Hannah Young

Anya's pregnancy yoga classes

“After attending the first yoga class I felt like a load had been lifted off my shoulders. The relaxation and calming effect was instant and I felt like a new person when I left. Now at 34 weeks, I have been attending pregnancy yoga each week and find it a great way to relax my mind and body. Physically, I feel more flexible, aware of my body and prepared for the birth. Mentally, Wednesday nights have become my relaxation time and provides an opportunity to concentrate on myself and the baby and let go of any stress, tiredness or fatigue. I feel a great sense of empowerment and strength in my own ability to deliver my baby naturally.”
- Jennifer Taylor

childbirth education

"I loved Anya's class from the very beginning. I kept going with my hubby as support until a week before I gave birth. Her classes were so relaxing and fun and we learned so much that I never got bored. The yoga helped me relax into my pregnancy, and helped the baby's head move down in the last couple of weeks. I also found it great for stretching my back and legs, and getting more movement in my hips to deal with my aches and pains. I would just feel so relaxed and calm after every class. Most importantly, Anya's class taught me how to breathe and focus my mind to get those last few most difficult hours of labour. Her classes actually gave me the confidence to go through labour without an epidural - so I could stand and move while I was delivering my daughter. Without a doubt, the breathing and hip rocking movements were the most important skills I learned, it probably saved my husband from some extra deep bite marks! Speaking of husband, he secretly enjoyed the classes after reluctantly coming for the first time thanks to Anya's teaching being so convincing. He supported me all the way through every class. We now have a beautiful baby daughter and we can't recommend Anya's classes highly enough for other expectant mothers and their partners." - Maria Li

Pre and Postnatal Yoga

“Hi Anya, I just thought you might like to know I had a baby boy - Billy - two and a half weeks early at a healthy 3.3kgs. I don't know if it was all the yoga I was doing, but I had a pretty good labour with no contraction pains! From my waters breaking to Billy arriving was only four hours. I think that preparing my mind and body early on in the pregnancy really helped me. I went into it believing it would be a positive experience and I feel that yoga helped give me the confidence to do that. Apart from feeling great after each class, it felt good to be able to use what I learnt in class in between contractions when the second stage started. The labour was not totally pain free of course - I got really bad leg cramps during the second stage! The most important thing for me was that I didn't need any pain relief and the birth was natural, so all in all I feel it went pretty well! See you at mums and bubs.” - Penny Shek


"A way for me to slow down, connect with my changing body and my baby, and to feel calm, strong and confident in preparation for birth. My classes with Anya were a truly magical experience and definitely one of the highlights of my pregnancy." - Rachel Hume


"Dearest Anya, thank you so much for all of the wisdom and support you imparted upon us - ensuring the safe delivery of little Alexander. You are truly an amazing soul who watches over the wellbeing of so many mothers and babies. You truly are a blessing from the universe and we are so lucky to have found you. We are all looking forward to catching up soon." - Maria Salazar


"I loved Anya's prenatal yoga classes so much that I attended my final class whilst 4 and a half cm dilated! I left that class 'in the zone' and feeling focused and empowered to achieve my desired birth (even though my baby girl was breach). My beautiful girl arrived bum first 13 hours later. I truly believe that attending Anya's classes assisted me in achieving a calm, relaxed, drug-free and pain free birth. Thank you Anya." - Melissa Reid